Tuesday 6 March 2012

ARSENAL vs Milan: Half time thoughts

ARSENAL vs Milan: Half time thoughts, Michael Johnston

Well what a half of football that was for Arsenal, I'm not an arsenal fan but on champions league night you've got to support the English side - I say "English" but you know what i mean. Anyway yes, what a half!

Arsenal have dictated the match so far and the tempo Milan have been playing totally suits arsenals pacey style of football. For Milan's poorness Arsenal really have stepped up and contrary to my previous blog about them today, there have been players out there who have looked at themselves and thought they need to put a shift in. and from a neutral perspective they have done that. The Ox looks like he could win the match and the way he has played has allowed for some delightful football to be played. integrating Arsenals traditional, stylish approach with rapid passing movements. His positional awareness and the way he reads the game allows him to attack without risking his position or another team mate. He, along with RVP, really hold the key to Arsenals season.

RVP is looking dangerous, but it is out wide with the wingers that Arsenal have troubled Milan. and to my surprise it is Rosicky who has impressed me the most during the half as he has taken on the play maker role with his interceptions and distribution. He looks like the player Wenger wanted to sign however many seasons it was ago, if he carries on with how he was in the first half then I'm sure he will be forgiven for his previous mis-firing seasons.

I'm not an Arsenal fan , but i will celebrate if they score. just for the thrill of watching what could be a historical game of football.

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